November 24, 2013


Hey Ya'll!  Here goes my first big step into the enormous world of Blogging.  When creating this Blog I believe I came across at least three or four other Blogs that were also "Sew Obsessed".  There is a good chance that only close family and a few Instagram and Facebook friends will find their way to my sewing blog, and that is okay.  I need a reason to keep sewing, and a Blog is a good enough reason for me.  

My Mother-in-law is a fabulous seamstress.  I admire her talent and love her ability to create something beautiful out of raw materials.  She is my inspiration.  With a few suggestions from her, and a few not so subtle hints to my husband, I became the owner of my very own sewing machine last Christmas.  One year of online tutorials and many project fails has me convinced that I need my own Blog. 

Aside from my 7th Grade Home Economics class, I have never been taught how to sew.  All of my experience comes from trial and error.  One year of online tutorials, sewing Youtube videos, and Google-ing foreign sewing terminology, such as "bobbin" or "tension", has opened my world up to beautiful fabrics that have become dresses, and hundreds of little squares that have become quilts. 

I can't wait to share!
